Montana Prophetic Destiny Flag

Regular price $50.00


The Decrees & Visons: “PURE ATMOSPHERE STATE”

There is something in this state that is very pure and unique. Holy Spirit is ready to bring forth wondrous things. An increase of the anointing in multiplied miracles, increase of life, increase of breakthrough. A breaker anointing is over Montana.

There is wealth that is going to spring up from Montana that will shock the world, both physical & spiritual.

Montana is a womb for this nation, a birthing state of My Spirit that will flow from here to all of America. The force of life is rising as a river and flowing naturally and will expose and release hidden resources and bring life.


The image is of a multiplied “womb shaped” bubbles in multi faceted colors to symbolize birthing new variety of things of the Spirit.

They are bubbles to symbolize air, things of the Spirit. They are springing up, flowing out, increasing. They are multi colored to symbolize jewels of treasure, things that were hidden springing up to bring multiplied wealth, anointing’s.

The vision for this flag was gleaned from excerpts from the book, “Releasing the Prophetic Destiny of a Nation” written by Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce. This book was written from the call of God on their lives in to go to each state in America to link with ministries in that state and decree the destiny of God for that place and stir up a prophetic army of intercessors for America.