*District of Columbia (DC) Prophetic Flag

Regular price $50.00




The Decrees & Visons: “The Ruler or Seat of Authority”

1. That Gods covenant desire would be in the heart of this nation.
2. That the authorities and judicial system would be filled with wisdom, timing and direction of the Lord.
3. That the intercessors of this nation would arise in corporate prayer.
4. Dutch Sheets in later years started a prayer movement across America based upon one of the original flags of the America during the time of the revolution. It is “An Appeal to Heaven” and it had an evergreen tree as a symbol of covenant and revival.


The District of Columbia is known as Washington DC. So the D & C are prominent in the lettering.
The background is of an evergreen tree to join the synergy of the ages in prayer for America.
The central image is of praying hands lifting up the scales of justice surrounded by a heart. This shows that justice and righteous authority will only be had through prayers and intercession. The heart is a double image since the “heart of America is DC” and also the heartbeat of Americans needs to be prayer if we are to have righteous rulers and judges.

The vision for this flag was gleaned from excerpts from the book, “Releasing the Prophetic Destiny of a Nation” written by Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce. This book was written from the call of God on their lives in to go to each state in America to link with ministries in that state and decree the destiny of God for that place and stir up a prophetic army of intercessors for America.