Georgia State Prophetic Destiny Flag

Regular price $50.00




Georgia is a “GateKeeper”-- a state that watches and prays to open the gates to the Lord and close them to the enemy.

Georgia is an open “Portal”, a place of revelation, fresh worship and restoration; where healing of racial divisions and strife will take place.

Georgia is a state where the womb will no longer be hostile to new life (both spiritually and naturally), a place where new ministries will not just be conceived but brought into full-term maturity.


Prophets through the ages have seen angels as gatekeepers, Jacob saw them ascending and descending creating a heavenly portal. Angelic activity always brings fresh revelation and abides in our worship.

The image is of a huge angel that has multicolor wings. His wings are mutli colored to symbolize different races & nations and also as a sign of the covenant of God to this world but also each wings color is prophetic.
The tops of his wings are blue with stars to symbolize America but blue is also the color for Holy Spirit and this color is throughout the wings. He has worship written on both sides in his wings in fire red for passion and Jesus blood. He carries reconciliation and restoration in green wings for healing, prosperity and growth to the races and nations written in the purple wings to symbolize royal heirs of the kingdom.

I had a vision of this angel and he looked like “Mr. Clean” big, brawny, bald and powerful. The angel I saw was huge, at least 20 feet tall.He is standing with arms crossed because he is the boss, the gatekeeper that stands with intercessors and will “clean up” where applied. His sword is ready at his side, but because he has such authority it is not even drawn. He is golden to symbolize the Glory of God and the background is of radiating streams of Glory going out.

The vision for this flag was gleaned from excerpts from the book, “Releasing the Prophetic Destiny of a Nation” written by Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce. This book was written from the call of God on their lives in to go to each state in America to link with ministries in that state and decree the destiny of God for that place and stir up a prophetic army of intercessors for America.