CHAD Prophetic Flag

Regular price $30.00


Chad is a nation in northern central Africa. Name in English means Protector, defender, Welsh- warring, battle
Motto is unity, work, progress Flag is vertical tri color blue, yellow, red

Islam (55% mostly Sufism-mystical) & Christianity(40%)-- over 200 ethnic & 120 languages with French & Arabic official . Many refugees from Sudan.

Nearly 50% pop UNDER age 15, but life expectancy only 48 yrs.. Nearly 50% women female genital mutilation. . EXTREME poverty, water shortages, diseases rampant, health care minimum, extreme weather fluctuations,


Hanging chad. Hanging chads in America caused great confusion on elections, they didn’t clear like they were supposed to, didn’t function right. The nation Chad is not functioning right. Its hanging in limbo.Torn and bleeding. So the letters reflect that hanging.

Mat 19:14 But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven

Heard a song in my Spirit, that it was time for the children of Chad to sing a new song. It goes like this
SONG-- Come unto Me, you who are thirsty. Come unto Me, I have plenty...
Come, Come, Come, Come, Wont you come unto Me?
Come unto Me, you who are weary, come unto Me, I have refreshing...

Then started singing: He’s got the whole world in His hands....