AUSTRALIA Prophetic Flag

Regular price $30.00


Australia is known as the “Bush Capitol”. It has a common link with the USA in that it was settled by Britain and is still part of the Commonwealth of Great Britain and the Queen is their monarch. Most of the early settlers of Australia were those fleeing political abuses or were prisoners sent as slave labor to work out their sentences.

In modern times Australia is a free democratic countryand one of the most popular tourist nations of the world.


As I sought the Lord on what He would say to Australia, I saw the burning bush when The “I AM” called Moses in Exodus 3. Moses looked and saw the bush on fire with the Glory Presence of God, he turned aside from his daily labors to see this bush that was not burned by this fire, and as he drew near, he heard the voice of God, and he answered the call of God for his life to bring deliverance to the captives.

I believe there will be such a revival in Australia that many will turn aside from ordinary things and be drawn to experience the Glory Presence of God in their lives and be set into that prophetic destiny the Lord has planned for them. That they will have intimate relationship with The I Am.