Iyar is the second month of the Hebrew monthly calendar and correlates to our Roman calendar from mid April-May. In the Bible the month of Iyar is often called Ziv which means radiance. The month is linked with light of increased revelation and is a time to let the Glory of God light us up. The name Iyar is an acronym for “I AM God your Healer” (Ex. 15:26). So it is a month associated with healing in every realm of your life, but especially in your soulish nature to be transformed by the Spirit. Let God permeate your mind and bring healing to your body so that you walk in healing.Iyar is associated with the Tribe of Issachar which is known for its anointing to “Know the times and what to do”, or to understand secrets of God. It is a time to press into intimate relationship with God and let Him fill us with the knowledge of His covenant secrets. When God ordered the tribes to camp around the Tabernacle, He established “the camp of Judah” on the east side and camped with him were Issachar and Zebulun. Issachar was blessed by Jacob to be a man and tribe known for their strength.
The Hebrew Letter associated with Iyar is VAV, which pictures a stake that is used to connect or link things together. Iyar links the month of Passover (redemption) to the month of Pentacost (outpouring).
The constellation of Taurus , the bull is associated with Iyar. Hebrews believe the bull represents strength and power, so this is a month to increase your strength. Bulls in the field graze unconcerned but alert to encroachers and by their fierce powerful appearance alone keep most invaders away.
The stone for Iyar is the Royal Blue Lapis which represents rivers of revelation from Holy Spirit.
The imagery on the flag is of a Tree with radiating lights of revelation shooting out from it. God planted a Tree of Knowledge and a Tree of Life in Eden. Moses saw and heard God “I AM” at a burning tree. A tree was used to heal the bitter waters in the wilderness. Ezekiel 47 describes the river of life with Trees bordering it for food and the leaves of the trees were for medicine. Jesus was crucified on a ‘tree’ to bring eternal life, healing and fullness of Holy Spirit so we could have all wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Rev 22 describes the trees as bringing healing for the nations. The bull for the constellation is in the upper right corner to remind us to stand strong this month and graze on the Word of life. The background is of lapis blue which is representative of the stone but also symbolic of rivers of revelation from Holy Spirit.